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Diversions And Excursions
Sunday, 4 December 2005
Back in Korea
Mood:  energetic
So much for for avoiding jet-lag. This was by far the worst trip regarding flight recovery. Just as the internal clock was getting adjusted I began battling a cold. Thankfully, it didn't slow me down too much. Besides those 2 minor inconveniences, it was a really good vacation. My plan for this trip was pretty simple. I just wanted to take it easy, hang out with friends and family, shop, and eat at some restaurants we don't have in Korea. I'm happy to report I accomplished all my goals. In the past when I've gone back to the US there was such a rushed feeling to the visit. I spent so much of the time doing what other people wanted me to do that it wasn't much a vacation. Several of my friends here have had the same experience. It's a hard trap to avoid. I stood my ground this time, though and was selfish with my itinerary. When I got back to work I actually felt rested. Hmm, go on vacation and feel refreshed when you get back -- what a concept!

Posted by cynthia at 12:01 AM JST
Wednesday, 9 November 2005
Update From Previous Entry
From the "What Did That Say?" entry.....I added a few sign pictures HERE
There are a few more waiting in the wings.

Jet Lag
Mood:  mischievious
I'm leaving for the states tomorrow. My bags are packed. The apartment is clean. All that's left is the waiting. It's such a tricky game, flying half way around the world. The opponent? Jet Lag! She's a heartless foe. Only those with fierce determination, a cunning mind, and terrific might have a chance. My strategy starts out with getting as little sleep as possible the night before. This will make it easier to snooze on the plane. The real key to success, however, is timing the sleep. I can't rest too soon or my body will still be on Korea time. Napping too late and I'll be wired when I finally land and won't be able to sleep that night. I have to make it to the Tokyo-Chicago leg. If I can catch some Z's during the first part of that flight then I'll be golden.

Posted by cynthia at 11:27 PM JST
Thursday, 27 October 2005
I Did It! I Beat The Stomach!
Mood:  celebratory
If you know which movie this title is referencing then let me bow down to your remarkable taste and impeccable memory.

The movie Meatballs is a true comedy classic. I could ramble on about it's greatness, but let me get right to the point. In short, it's about misfit counselors at an underdog summer camp. Every year they compete in sports and silly games against the rival, rich kids camp. Larry, a particularly large counselor, is chosen to participate in the hot dog eating contest. The opponent has won for several years running and is the overwhelming crowd favorite. Larry is nervous, unenthusiastic, and filled with thoughts of doubt. In a glorious montage of speed eating gluttony, Larry comes out the victor! Bill Murray's character (who had been giving him pep talks) walks over, pats him on the back and says, "You did it Larry. You beat the stomach."

Now, whenever I achieve success in a particularly challenging task those words come back to me. And yes folks, today, I beat the stomach.

There are 7 tests involved in the Microsoft certification I've been shooting for this past year. I complete 4 of them around February. Then I took a little break from the grueling routine. It turned out to be a big break. The past few months I've been making feeble attempts to get back on the study horse. Getting into the grove has been more effort than expected. Finally I honed in. Sure, I got a little cranky toward the end, but it was worth it. Today I passed test #5!!! Only 2 left!!!! Now that I finally got this one done my motivation to do the others has really increased. I should definitely get them done by the end of this year.

Posted by cynthia at 8:27 PM KDT
Sunday, 16 October 2005
Day 3
Mood:  caffeinated
In an attempt to boost my health I decided to give up caffeine and sugar. Cold turkey. Both at the same time. This brilliant plan was to take place over the weekend which I would also devote to studying. Yes, in 2 days I was going to detox myself from evil caffeine and sugar poisons while absorbing all relevant material on the Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure. Wile E. Coyote....Supa Genius! It would be daunting, but I was ready! All I needed was good old fashion will power. Day 1, as expected, was challenging. My body's desire for caffeine manifested itself in a dull headache. Still, I was able to comb through dry computer books with marginal success. Day 2 was a bit rougher than expected. I thought being home would be advantageous to my efforts. Quite the opposite. There were no distractions. My headache was still present, making it near impossible to concentrate. By the time I finished a page I couldn't remember what the first paragraph had said. I reread passages 2 or 3 times. Progress was at a snails pace. My attention span and energy level were pathetic. I took more breaks, alternating between looking for sugar in my cabinets and taking 30 minute power naps. Studying turned into a hopeless illusion. Day 3, back at work. I was tired. I would have been grumpy, but my head still ached, preventing any emotional expression. Somehow I struggled through lunch without consuming any chemical assistance. I couldn't figure out why I was having such a hard time shaking this. It must be mental. I just needed to power through. I mean, I only have 1 diet coke a day. Of course, I do take Excedrin (at least 3 times a week) and that has caffeine in it. That's probably another coke's worth. I decided to google it. EXCEDRIN IS ALMOST 4 COKES WORTH OF CAFFEINE. No wonder this was so hard! That's 5 cokes in just one day!! What was I thinking going cold turkey?? I immediately bought a diet coke. The distinct sound of releasing carbonation as I opened the can signaled relief was on the way. Oh, sweet nectar of the gods. The sky opened up and sun's rays shone warmly upon me -- quite a feat since I was still inside my office, but work with me. Every gulp pulled me farther from the haze. Colors brightened. My energy level increased. I was all giddy inside.
So what have we learned from this little experiment? Well, I definitely need to lay off the Excedrin. Weaning is going to be my new plan now. I will attempt caffeine free days, but allow myself the 1 diet coke if necessary. The pills will be reserved for only REALLY bad headaches. It's all about the Wean. And the sugar? Hello?!? Did I not go over my gradual approach theory? One thing at a time here people!

Posted by cynthia at 9:27 AM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 16 October 2005 9:37 AM KDT
Monday, 5 September 2005
How Did This Happen?
Mood:  quizzical
Well, that's it. I'm old. It's been coming on for several years now. The signs were obvious....less interest in the latest pop icon, the need to read fine print at farther distances, staying up late means I'll catch this week's episode of Law and Order....and then there's fashion. I've set aside the latest trends to make room for practicality. Weather permitting, I enjoy walking to work. Wearing my earphones, I can almost fool myself into thinking I'm still hip. Then I catch my reflection in a storefront window. The business skirt and tennis shoes is a dead give away that I'm over 30. In my twenties I would have walked in the heals. Yesterday, I chose to spend part of my lunch hour walking around base. So I slipped off my pumps and laced up my sneakers. Tennis shoes with capri pants screams fashion faux pas. I strolled the grounds in my goofy get up not caring at all. And that's when reality sunk in. If I don't care, I must be old. I sooo identify with old ladies you see wearing a floral shirt and plaid pants. Any day now I'll be cruising the grocery isle in my curlers, reading glasses perched at the tip of my nose as I scrutinize the cereal boxes looking for the highest fiber content.

Posted by cynthia at 12:01 AM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 13 September 2005 6:26 PM KDT
Saturday, 3 September 2005
I'm So Punny
Mood:  cheeky
I love getting a call when I'm on the train. When the person on the other end asks what I'm doing I reply, "I'm ridin' on the Seeoooooouuuuuul train." Three years and that joke never gets old. I love it!

Posted by cynthia at 12:01 AM KDT
Monday, 29 August 2005
Channeling Cousteau
Mood:  cool
I've been interesting in learning to scuba dive for years. So when I heard that there was an aquarium in Korea offering ENGLISH instruction my ears perked up. The day course won't complete certification, but does cover basic skills divers need to swim around in their 900,000 gallon shark tank. Yeah, that's right...swimming with sharks! There are other creatures in there (sea turtles, snapper, gigantic grouper, etc) but sharks are the obvious headliners.

Five other brave souls decide are up for the challenge with me. We all go through some land training and then run through skills in a 3ft deep training pool that flows into the main tank. It's interesting that the fish swim up to the opening, but don't really venture into the area where we are practicing.

We pass our skills with flying colors and the dive officially starts. Beyond the training pool opening is a ledge with an attached rope dangling to the bottom of the tank. We use the rope to repel down the Plexiglas wall. On the other side of that wall are the aquarium patrons. This is great because it means that all get a prime crotch shot as I descend. The group makes its way through the
tank and surprisingly, I'm not nervous. That is, until the dive master motions for me to stand still. He, of course, just wants to take a picture
of me. My imagination, however, immediately recreates a montage of scenes from Jaws. If I turn around I'm sure to see a shark barreling through the water toward me, mouth open wide, teeth dripping with blood from a previous kill. I knew bringing us in here right before feeding time
was a bad idea. With a cleansing inhale and exhale I come back to my senses and explore the tank a little more. The largest sharks in the tank are the nurse sharks that measure 8-10 feet. The lemon sharks are a few feet smaller and leaner. Their features are sharper and they dart around more than the nurse sharks. Also in the tank is a leopard shark. It's tan in color with spots similar to a leopard.

I spend a little time checking out the schools of fish synchronizing their movement like one connecting being. Looking up from the cute fish, I see the leopard shark heading straight for me. It's a thrilling moment. My body becomes perfectly still. He swims right over me seemingly clueless to my presence. He's so close that if I reach my arm up I could touch him.

Traveling on we come across a lemon shark circling
around in a little cul de sac created by a rock formation. This poses a slight problem as I need to cross over said rock structure. I make my way through his territory fiercely concentrating on keeping sure footing. He's happy to avoid me while swimming in his circle. I just don't want to loose my balance and run into him. Somehow I get to the other side without incident.

The group continues touring through the tank until we make our way back to the rope. And here is where the journey ends. All in all a great experience. Getting my certification has moved up a few notches on the priority list.

Posted by cynthia at 10:17 PM KDT
Thursday, 25 August 2005
One of Them
Mood:  not sure
Well, I've done it. I've sunk to their level.

Parking in Korea is complete chaos. The bottom line is that there is simply not enough space. As a result, cars are placed wherever they can fit. That includes double parking, half way out of the driveway, blocking someone's driveway, on the sidewalk.... It is customary to place your cell phone number in the window of the car. When you need to leave, just call the number and ask them to move the car. It seems simple enough. But sometimes they don't always answer. Sometimes they forget to put the number on the dash. Sometimes I'm running late and upon seeing that I'm blocked in my blood pressure sky rockets.

This has been an especially irritating lately. When I came home tonight and couldn't get into my driveway I decided to just park right in front of it blocking the other vehicles. That in itself shouldn't be a problem. I know the owners of the other cars and I'll be leaving before they do tomorrow morning. The possible conflict comes with the cars in the driveway next to mine. I'm partially blocking them as well. Now, I think they can still squeeze out. That's what I'm banking on, anyway. Since I got my new cell phone (the old one is touring the countryside in some random taxi) I haven't made a little note card to put in my window. That really doesn't concern me much either, though. 90% of the hood are senior citizens that know every move everybody makes. They all know my car and know where I live. If need be, they'll find me to move the car.

What really bothers me is that I think the whole practice is so inconsiderate. It's the principle of that parking space belonging to me. I should be able to come and go from it without the hassle. but now I've succumbed to their mentality. I'm tired, there's a patch of pavement close to my apartment. Screw it, I'm not going any farther.

Posted by cynthia at 12:01 AM KDT
Wednesday, 10 August 2005
What Did That Say?
Mood:  silly
Reading the English signs here really gives me a chuckle. Sometimes the message will be grammatically accurate, but use vocabulary awkwardly. Like the sign that said "Bravo You Life" Indeed, my life should be bravoed and often. I like seeing the signs because it reminds me that I'm in a different country. After being here so long there aren't too many things that seem foreign. This is one I saw posted in a restaurant window. Seriously? 11:01?? Why??? I'd like to think that the owner has a warped sense of humor and gets a laugh every time he goes to work. Experience, or skepticism, (or skepticism based on experience) leads me to believe that someone has applied "logic" to their hours of operation.

I have a few more that I was in the process of adding to the site. Unfortunately, my computer crashed so that's been put on hold. I'm working from a laptop now. I bought it a few months ago, used, and loaded the operating system. Haven't had time to do much else with it. Slowly, but surely I'll be bringing it up to speed.

UPDATE: Added some sign pics HERE

Posted by cynthia at 12:01 AM KDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 November 2005 11:42 PM JST

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